Good morning! #CoronaVirus: There is no alcohol-gel, there is no masks, there is no to buy chemical disinfectants? No Lysol #share
Simple! Your wet cloth with chlorine diluted in water and disinfected as much as you can!
Our new process:
New bio-security measures for entering community areas, offices, network center, core and computing.
- Upon arrival at admission, wait for the temperature taken in the earlobe.
- Locate, and apply alcohol-gel on the hands and apply 70% alcohol on arms, legs and shoes.
- Wait for the information to be taken with the pulse oximeter when entering.
- The use of the mask is totally mandatory at all times until departure.
- It is not allowed to be taken away for any reason.
- Upon reaching your modules, request spray alcohol and apply it to keyboards, mice, and surfaces.
- Remove the headphones from the protective bags and apply liquid alcohol.
- If it is necessary to enter the core, you must do so with boot covers and gloves. Access will not be allowed in any other way.
- Before retiring you should apply alcohol spray to the surfaces, keyboard and mouse.
- Also, disinfect headphones and return them to their protective bag.
- Wait until the final temperature is taken and the values measured with the pulse oximeter.
Recommendation: in the event of any symptoms of cold, flu or that you consider associated with covid-19, please DO NOT GO to your work center, contact your supervisor and start a biosafety protocol at home.