Thursday, 19 September 2024

Solar energy is one of the great beneficiaries of the new electricity tariff: this is how changes to self-consumption affect

If there is a possible beneficiary of the new electricity tariff, that is solar energy. The arrival of the new bill wants to change the habits of consumers and those with solar panels for self-consumption can win.

The three time bands can benefit users of photovoltaic energy, since in the hours of more incidence is when the light is more expensive. We review the position of some experts who explain to us how the new electricity tariff affects self-consumption.

Take advantage of the different powers

Rodrigo Ruiz, sales manager at LG Solar, explains that the new electricity tariff affects all domestic users with less than 15 kW, which also includes those with installed solar panels. Although single-family homes are included, it does indicate that large mansions exceed this power.

According to the expert of the solar panel company, the new rate seeks to adapt our consumption by increasing the cost of kWh and penalizing the more it is consumed. Despite the increase that has occurred in the cost of the different sections, the new rate has reduced the cost of the contracted kW. With the new system, the power toll goes from € 38.04 per contracted kW to € 32.31 per kW.

Another interesting aspect for solar panel users is the possibility of contracting two different powers . This independent power is designed for if you have an electric vehicle and can charge it at night, but it is also useful for batteries, since we can have a can of power for the period of use without costing us so much.

In this game with the powers, Ruiz points out that users with ICP (Power Control Switch) will be cut off in the event of high consumption, but those without ICP will see their overconsumption on the bill .

The new electricity tariff also penalizes excesses, so it is recommended to take advantage of it to adapt the power in the most efficient way.

Changing the orientation of the plates

Francisco Valverde, consultant for the Menta Energía Group and an analyst in the electricity sector, points out that "when solar energy generates the most, it is in the most expensive period, which will make the bill much cheaper ".

In the morning and afternoon rush hours the cost is very high, but it is also in these zones when there is a lot of sun, so the solar panels will help to compensate.

On the chosen schedules, Valverde explains that they have opted for strips that serve for summer and winter. On these strips, experts believe that if photovoltaic energy continues to grow and ends up becoming the main source, they could go from end to valley.

Ruiz indicates that the savings achieved also depend on the photovoltaic installation, weather conditions or location. One of the factors for achieving greater efficiency is the angle at which the light falls. And this is where the new electric bill can change the way the boards are installed.

To date, they were installed mainly oriented to the south, since this generated the maximum peak for a longer time. But with the new sections, the solar panels could be installed to the east or west, depending on the stripes. A new orientation to try to take better advantage of the morning and afternoon peaks.

The new electricity tariff is going to have a great impact. Not only in our bill, but also in habits. And along the way, self-consumption and photovoltaic energy can win.



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